Richard Rowley - website about this website page

Helpful Related Information:


The information on this website is for general
informational purposes only. website
makes no representation or warranty express
or implied. Your use of this site is solely at
your own risk. This site may contain links to
thirdparty content, which we do not warrant,
endorse, or assume liability for.

Disclaimer:Legal Advice

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.

Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information.

This website contains links to other third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser; the ABA and its members do not recommend or endorse the contents of the third -party sites.

Artwork Credits

Reference section


What makes this website different from other websites such as Google and YouTube?

☆ Life Hack videos are divided by videos with descriptions and videos without descriptions.

☆ Life Hack videos that have descriptions are listed under Categories in alphanumerical order.

☆ Description of each video appears when mouse cursor rests on the video title.

☆ Most topics also include Helpful Related Information showing other websites and articles related to that topic.

☆ Whenever possible, charts, diagrams and, other illustrations are included within the Miscellaneous Reference of each topic. Sometimes major Museums are listed that feature related topics.

☆ Only ads that are related to a topic will appear on that topic webpage. Topic Ads are affiliate links, which means I get a small commission if you purchase anything through them (without adding any extra cost on your part).This also helps support this website and allows me to continue with updating it.

☆ When a topic is broken down into sub-topics all listings stay in alphanumerical order.

☆ Website basic coding uses a responsive coding format.

☆ Life Hack Creators that have videos listed in this site are listed alphabetically, and when selected by clicking on their name, click will open the creator’s main YouTube page which in most cases lists all of their present videos on the YouTube website.

As this website evolves

☆ More topics will be added such as Animals and Sports. Due to the enormous amount of information and the vast number of different types of sport topics these topics are still under construction.

☆ Other perks will be added such as the Life Hack Creator’s logo and photo, etc.

☆ Website listings will be removed if found to have annoying pop-ups or anything that would harm or irritate a user.

☆ A typical problem with other websites and search engines it that bogus listings are shown which don’t show any needed information and only serve to waste someone’s time clicking on them.